

Population Inversion and Giant Bandgap Renormalization in Atomically Thin WS2 Layers

Another publication from Prof. Tony Heinz group with Clark-MXR's Model IMPULSE Alexey Chernikov, Claudia Ruppert, Heather M. Hill, Albert F. Rigosi & Tony F. Heinz Nature Photonics 9, 466–470 (2015) Abstract Control of the optical properties of matter on ultrashort timescales is of both fundamental interest and central importance for applications in photonics. It is desirable to achieve pronounced changes over a broad spectral range using the least possible amount of material. Here, we demonstrate a dramatic change over a spectral range of hundreds of meV on the [...]

By |Sep 22, 2015|

Chemical Composition of Micrometer-Sized Filaments in an Aragonite Host by a Miniature Laser Ablation/Ionization Mass Spectrometer

Researchers at University of Bern and co-workers used Clark-MXR Model CPA-Series laser to carry out Laser Ablation/Ionization Mass Spectrometry in the quest to search for extraterrestrial life. Tulej Marek, Neubeck Anna, Ivarsson Magnus, Riedo Andreas, Neuland Maike B., Meyer Stefan, and Wurz Peter. Astrobiology. August 2015, 15(8): 669-682. ABSTRACT Detection of extraterrestrial life is an ongoing goal in space exploration, and there is a need for advanced instruments and methods for the detection of signatures of life based on chemical and isotopic composition. Here, we present the [...]

By |Aug 28, 2015|

CARS Microscopy with Spectral Focusing

With the help of spectral focusing, vibrational imaging modalities using multimodal CARS have become invaluable tools in neuroscience. Hans-Erik Swoboda and Tissa Gunaratne Multiphoton/nonlinear laser scanning microscopy has become an important tool to investigate biological phenomena, where high resolution, 3-dimensional imaging with depth resolution is essential to uncover underlying biological functions. Two-photon or multiphoton imaging is preferred to single photon imagining techniques due to several intrinsic advantages of multiphoton techniques. One of the advantages is having a nonlinear intensity dependent absorption. For example, two-photon absorption is restricted to [...]

By |May 29, 2015|

30T Magnetic Pulses on Tabletop —The World’s First Fiber Seeded Ti:Sap Regen Amplifier Making Headlines

Review of Scientific Instruments Abstract We have developed a mini-coil pulsed magnet system with direct optical access, ideally suited for nonlinear and ultrafast spectroscopy studies of materials in high magnetic fields up to 30 T. The apparatus consists of a small coil in a liquid nitrogen cryostat coupled with a helium flow cryostat to provide sample temperatures down to below 10 K. Direct optical access to the sample is achieved with the use of easily interchangeable windows separated by a short distance of ∼135 mm on either side [...]

By |Dec 1, 2013|

Femtosecond Fibre Laser for Material Processing

Originally published in German in Photonik 1/2008, this article on ultrashort pulse laser micromachining appeared in Laser (Europe)  as was written by our Director of Operations in Europe, Dr. Hans-Erik Swoboda The ultrashort pulses from femtosecond lasers allow precise material processing and thus show great potential in the field of micro- and nano-processing. In the past, however, the rather low average power and low repetition rate of these lasers have hindered many commercial applications. First results from the application laboratory demonstrate that fs-lasers based on fibre technology are [...]

By |Mar 16, 2008|



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